Three defendants allegedly involved in the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks have entered into a plea deal with the United States Department of Defense (DOD) after years of incarceration at Guantanamo Bay.
Nearly 3,000 people were killed, and many thousands more injured in the coordinated Islamist suicide attacks carried out by al-Qaeda on U.S. soil in 2001.
According to a July 31 statement from the DOD, Susan Escallier, who is the Convening Authority for Military Commissions, has entered into pretrial agreements with Khalid Shaikh (Sheikh) Mohammad, Walid Muhammad Salih Mubarak Bin’ Attash, and Mustafa Ahmed Adam al Hawsawi.
Mohammad, a Kuwaiti-Pakistani mechanical engineer, was the former head of al-Qaeda’s propaganda department and is accused of being the 911 mastermind. He allegedly presented the idea of hijacking planes and flying them into U.S. buildings to Osama bin Laden around 1996, and later helped train some of the hijackers….